Working with us

We are always looking to make new friends! If you’re a passionate helper, we want you!

How to work with us

At Lend A Friend, we have made it easy for both Helpers and NDIS Participants to feel comfortable meeting up and working together. You can learn more about how we have done this below

The Job Application Process


Express your interest

We are always accepting expressions of interest, from all around Australia. Apply using the green ‘Apply now’ button.

If we thing you would make a good friend, we will reach out and may invite you to participate in our video interviews


Smile, You're on Camera!

Your first video interview will be for us at Lend A Friend. We will have a few questions for you to answer, so we can get to know you a little better, learn more about your experiences, and see if we think you will be a good fit


Your Helper Showcase!

Your second video interview will be to make your Helper Showcase

  • We send your Helper Showcase to our NDIS Members looking for Helpers
  • Some NDIS Members may not have the energy, feel comfortable, or have the ability to cope with meeting many different Helpers
  • Your Helper Showcase gives Members the chance to learn a bit more about you before committing to an in person meeting, so it’s important to put your best self forward to increase your chance of securing an in person meeting
  • Don’t stress, and be yourself during this video interview! Once you make your Helper Showcase, we will give you some tips on how you went, how to improve, and give you another chance to rerecord before showing it to our Members


Hello Popular

We like you, and our Members seeking support like you, now what?
  • Once a few Members seeking support have seen your Helper Showcase and like your style, we’ll reach out
  • At this stage you are nearly ready to begin working!
  • We’ll have a chat about where to from here, but you can learn more about officially joining the team below

Officially Joining The Team


Making an ABN

Becoming a Sole Trader (making an ABN)
  • We engage Contractors as the Helpers for our Members. This model provides Helpers, Members and us more flexibility in how we operate
  • If you don’t currently have an ABN, or don’t know what an ABN is, you can learn more with our handy guides below


Your Onboarding Form

Now that you have an ABN, we can invite you to complete an onboarding form. It will provide us with important details like how to pay you, what clearances you have and need, emergency contact information etc.


Contract for Services

Once you have completed the onboarding form, we can provide you with a Contract for Services. Assuming you are happy with the conditions of the contract, you can sign and are officially a part of the team! 

At this stage, we will set you up on our software app, and can help to make you compliant with NDIS best practices before your first Member meetup

Compliance checklist


Meeting our Members

We’ll arrange a meeting between you and our NDIS Member, and if you make a good fit:

  • You’ll need to agree on the rates you will bill for your NDIS services
  • You can negotiate any rate for each Member you meet, provided it complies with the NDIS pricing arrangements and the Member agrees
  • You’ll use the Rates Agreement Document (RAD) to document these rates
  • Both you and the Member must sign this document


You’ll have access to the RAD within the Helper app, and once signed, we will set that rate in the app. Specific details about how you’re paid will be in your contract for services



You’ve met your first Member and worked out your rates! As long as both parties are happy, we are happy to let you arrange future appointments directly with Members using the app.

We’ll provide information about the app after your onboarding, but you can learn more about it in the section below

Using the App

The Lookout Way

Here at Lend A Friend, we have partnered with The Lookout Way to provide our Helpers and Members with a comprehensive software solution for flexible, simple and compliant NDIS service provision

Once set up on our app, and matched with a Member, you will be able to do so many things!


Book meetings with Members

Directly from your phone you can:

  • Schedule meetings with Members
  • Adjust start and end times
  • Log geolocation to prove compliance
  • Select your service, rates and log travel expenses

View Member Profiles

You’ll have access to important Member information and can:

  • Write case notes in the Notebook, and see past notes
  • View the Members Help Plan to learn what their goals are, how to support them, and things to be mindful of
  • See their Care team, contact information, and access important forms
  • Keep track of tasks and document Member condition

Get paid!

The app manages finance and admin tasks for you, including:

  • Automatically sending invoices for services you’ve provided
  • Showing your monthly earnings and rates you charge
  • Ensuring you get paid on time:
    • Even if Members run out of funding, we make sure you are paid on time, so you are never out of pocket or need to chase up invoices. 

Resources & Support

For support using the app

Find app guides:

Contact Lend A Friend support

You can download the lookout way application on android and apple devices.


You can click here to learn more about how to use the app

You can click here to learn more about ABN

You can contact the Lend A Friend support team any time by:
Calling 0412 790 947
Add the link to notion RAD policy here
Add notion link here
Sole trader insurance notion link here