
The NDIS can be complicated. Reach out below for a breakdown on our pricing. Or you can have a look at our 2 pricing models below

Pricing model

Lend A Friend has 2 pricing models. A Flexible rate for our Disability Support Services, and a Flat rate for our Respite Packages. You can learn more about these below

Disability Support work & mentoring

Once we get to know you and your needs, we will introduce you to Helpers who we think will be a good fit. Once you meet them, and you both agree to work together, you and your Helpers can discuss what rates will be billed. You can negotiate different rates for different days, services, or different Helpers!

We never charge more than the NDIS Pricing Arrangements, and once you’ve agreed to a rate with your individual Helper, that is the only rate you will be billed.

We don’t charge management fees

Respite package

Our respite packages are all expenses paid, tailored services to your needs. This means your transport, food, accommodation, negotiated activities, and support are all included in the package price.

We price our services as per the current NDIS pricing arrangements for Short Term Accommodation/Respite (STA) and we divide this rate by the number of hours that you stay with us.

Let’s look at an example below:
As of the 2023 – 2024 NDIS Pricing Arrangements, the weekday 1:1 respite day rate is $2033.53. We divide this by 24 to get an hourly rate of $84.73.
So if you wanted to spend 14 hours in our respite facility, 14 X $84.73 = $1186.22